We’ve Upgraded Our Billing System!
Our new billing system is now available to provide you with new features when accessing your account.
Learn about your new bill and your new MyWave account below.
You will be receiving a new account number, with instructions on how to register for a new MyWave account via email soon. Please keep an eye out for it. Once you have this information, you can go to MyWave and register for an account.

Your New Bill Will Have a New Look
Your new bill is designed to be easy to read and review. Click here to see a sample bill and get tips for how to read your new bill.
For added convenience, you have 4 ways to pay your bill.
You have the following options to pay your bill:

Soon, you’ll be able to create a MyWave account for free online access to your Astound Broadband by Wave account. When available, you’ll need to register for a MyWave account. You will need your account number and PIN number which can be found at the top of your new bill. Once registered, you’ll be able to make one-time payments or set up automatic monthly payments directly from the checking account of your choice.
Note: A payment processing fee applies to one-time payments.
We accept one-time credit/debit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) payments via phone at 360-414-5990. Note: Convenience Fees apply.
You can pay your Wave bill in the traditional fashion – through the U.S. mail. Wave will send you a paper bill in the mail each month. Once you receive the bill, simply return the enclosed bill stub to Wave along with your payment in the form of a check or money order.
You can make your payment in person using one of Wave’s many convenient payment locations. Look up a payment location nearest you. Don’t forget to review that location’s business hours. Stop by the location nearest you and leave your payment with a customer service representative. Our payment locations accept cash, checks, money orders or credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express).
What Charges Will Appear on My Very First Astound Broadband Bill?
There are a number of factors that impact the amount of your first Astound Broadband statement, not the least of which is the type and number of services you’ve purchased. Here are several factors to keep in mind when reviewing your first Astound Broadband statement.
- Based on what day of the month you signed up, Astound Broadband will bill you a prorated portion of your regular monthly service charges for the current month. This applies to Internet and Phone services.
- All standard taxes and fees appropriate for your state and local region will be included for the current month.
- In keeping with industry standards, Astound Broadband bills one month in advance including estimated taxes and fees for Internet services. So, in addition to the prorated portion of the first month’s service changes, you will also be charged the entire amount of the following month’s regular monthly service charges, taxes and fees. This is typically the reason why your first statement will be a larger than succeeding statements, at least where Internet services are concerned. (See item “d” below regarding phone services.)
- Phone services, in some part are based on variable usage, and therefore not billed a month in advance. So, while you will see a prorated charge for the first month’s service, you will not see an advance charge for the next month’s service, as is the case with Internet services. This, together with your prorated charge for your first month of service makes your phone charges appear less than is typical.
- Installation fees, if any, are typically included in your first statement following the technician’s installation visit.
- If you are upgrading to different a service bundle, expect to see either prorated and/or advance service charges appear on your statement for the new services. Likewise, if you are downgrading, expect to see your next statement reflect prorated service changes based on the date you stopped the service.
What Taxes And Fee's Does Astound Broadband Add To My Bill?
Taxes and fees charged to customers vary based on the services you are purchasing the state or local region in which you live.
How Do I Pay My Bill Online?
Until the new My Wave account log in is available, you can still pay your bill online here.
For your convenience, we also have these other easy payment options available:
- Payment by phone – please feel free to call our Care Center, 360-414-5990; our friendly agents are ready to help with payments or any other questions you may have;
- Recurring payment – monthly credit/debit card payment can also be set up by calling our Care Center;
- U.S. Mail – included with your statement each month is a pre-printed payment coupon along with an envelope so you can mail your payment.
When Is Payment Due For My Astound Broadband Bill?
To avoid the possibility of incurring late fees, Astound Broadband recommends paying your bill immediately upon receiving your monthly statement. Your due date is listed on your monthly statement, on each page in the upper right hand corner.
Will I be Charged a Late Fee if I Do Not Pay My Astound Broadband Bill On Time?
Astound Broadband encourages customers to make timely payments to avoid late fees and possible service interruption. Astound Broadband reserves the right to charge late fees when payments are not made on time. If you are charged a late fee, you will be notified through a printed message on your bill.
My Payment Is Late and I Received a Disconnect Warning. How Can I Avoid Having my Services Turned Off?
Call 360-414-5990 and select the option for making payment arrangements. This will put you in touch with a customer service representative who will help you settle your account.
My Services Have Been Disconnected Due To Late Or Non-Payment. How Can I Have My Services Reconnected and Is There a Reconnection Fee?
Call 360-414-5990 and select the option for making payment arrangements. This will put you in touch with a customer service representative who will help you settle your account. And yes, you will have to pay a reconnect fee for each Astound Broadband service (Internet, phone) that has been shut off due to late payment and reconnected. If you have any past due balance, it must be paid in full before Astound Broadband can restore your service.
Can I View My Bill Online Instead of (or in addition to) Receiving a Paper Bill?
At this time, this feature is temporarily unavailable.
How Do I View My Bill History Online?
At this time, this feature is temporarily unavailable.
Can I Pay A Bill For Someone Else?
Yes. To pay a Astound Broadband bill for a friend or family member, call360-414-5990 and one of our helpful representatives can help you make a payment. You will need to have the account number handy for the bill you are paying. Currently, you cannot pay a bill for someone else online. This option is only available through calling our Care Center.
Can I Pre-Pay for a Whole Year?
Astound Broadband does not currently accept pre-payments for other services.
Can I Receive My Astound Broadband Bill in Spanish Or a Language Other Than English?
Astound Broadband does not currently offer bills in other languages.
If I Sign Up for Astound Broadband Bundled Phone and Internet Service, Will The Charges For Both Services Appear On One Bill?
All phone and Internet services are available on one bill from Astound Broadband. If you have been receiving separate bills and wish to receive one bill, then call Customer Service at 360-414-5990
How Do I Disconnect My Astound Broadband Service(s)?
We’re sorry to hear that you want to downgrade or cancel your service. Please contact us at 360-414-5990 so we may assist you.